In this post we show in three steps what is needed to run your first transcription using Voicegain API.
We assume that you already signed up for Voicegain account and logged into the portal.
Step 1: Create new Context
Main reason to create new Context is to establish new authentication realm. Access to each Context can be separately controlled, so it is easy to disable access to certain Context without affecting other Contexts.
Contexts are also used for specifying default ASR settings.
You can create a new Context from the Context Dash
Step 2: Generate Authentication token
Voicegain APIs use JWT (JSON Web Tokens) to identify and authenticate the account making the request. In order to make API requests you need to generate a JWT which can easily be done from the portal.
Step 3: Run the curl command
Below is the complete input and output from curl command that submits a Web API request to Voicegain Synchronous Speech-to-Text API
In this case, the audio to be transcribed was retrieved from a URL. Audio can alternatively also be submitted in-line (within request).
Note that synchronous transcription has audio length limit of 60 seconds. Longer audio requires use of asynchronous transcription API.
For asynchronous transcription requests it is possible to stream the audio, e.g. via websocket. You can see some of Voicegain API documentation at: